The EYRA was formed in the early nineteen hundred and covered clubs that were in the old East Riding of Yorkshire and the City of Hull, organising competitions and leagues (shoulder to shoulder) at first then changing to postal as the trend changed.
Unfortunately the number of clubs in the East Riding area have now been reduced to seven, making it impossible to organise league shooting as with a big difference team averages it has made the results predictable.
At the recent Association AGM a proposal was made to increase the area in which we could canvas more clubs. This required us to change the association’s constitution and discuss an agreement with the Yorkshire Association.
We have now come to an agreement on how the East Yorkshire Association competitions can be integrated with the Yorkshire so as to complement the whole program and all can be downloaded from the Yorkshire Association website.
Edward Kendall
Chairman, East Yorkshire Rifle Association

Club Affiliation is £5 and the leagues and cup competition fees are shown on each of the entry forms.
Proposed East Yorkshire Association Competitions:
- Prone team leagues (team of three) intended to help the smaller clubs
- Individual leagues, according to the submitted average. Can be shot concurrent with a team card.
- Robson Cup (rapid fire team of four, best three to count). Knockout competition.
- Gleadow Cup (Name own start, team of three). Knockout competition.
- Bench Rest – an individual league the formation being 20 shots per round at two YSRA 2004 Bench rest cards over 10 rounds