The results for Rounds 1-5 of the Summer SAR competiton have been posted on the Sporting Air Rifle page.
Winter 2021 Entry Forms
Entry forms are now available for all LWSR and LBP competitions.
Winter 2021/22 Entry forms
Entry forms are now available for
- Short Range Team League
- Short Range Championship
- Laywood Pairs
- Individual League
- Short Range Benchrest Individual League
- Short Range Benchrest Individual League (spring air rifle)
- Short Range Benchrest Championship
Results: 50m/100yd Prone Any Sights
Round 1 of the 50m/100yd Any Sights is available on the results page.
Results: YSRA 50y/m Benchrest
Results for Rounds 3 and 4 of the 50y/m benchrest leagues are now available on the Yorkshire 50m/y Benchrest League page.
Leeds Final Results 2020/2021
Please see Association of Leeds And District Rifle And Revolver Clubs results page for the VERY LAST Leeds results.
As you will be aware, it has been a difficult winter which has resulted in a skeleton comp.
I’d like to thank you all for the support you have given to the Leeds Association over the years.
Without you guys we couldn’t have carried on as long as we did!
Nigel Watson will be organising the medals which will be with you asap.
Look after yourselves and keep safe.
Cheers, Lawrie
S&DR&PA Summer 50m Prone Rifle Competition (open entry) Summer 2021
The Sheffield & District Rifle & Pistol Association are runing a 50m competition for Summer 2021.
3 sets of 40 shots to be shot during July, August and September, the first day of shooting being the first of the month and the last day the last day of the month.Shooting will be in classesaccordingto average: Class A 97.5+, Class B 95.5 to 97.4, Class C 93.0 to 95.4, Class D Below 92.9
Entry forms can be found on the Sheffield & District Rifle & Pistol Association page.
Hello world!
The website for the Yorkshire Small Bore Rifle & Pistol Association has been upgraded and now uses WordPress.
Wanted posts
None currently!